A collection of short videos to encourage and help you on your parenting journey.
Drawing the best out of our kids isn’t always easy, especially when you catch them having an attitude that doesn’t align with your values. Jen shares how she helps her kids find a way to think of others and repair the damage they may cause in their interactions.
Do your kids feel like you are on their side? Are there times you struggle to stay relationally connected with your kids? Are you interested in growing more joy with your children? In this video, Chris and Jen share how to stay in your relational sweet spot and how to repair after you lose your joy. Want to know more? Check out the after-event course on this topic.
Kristy shares about recognizing overwhelm when the volume gets ‘loud’, as we are sure you can relate to if you have any amount of young people in your home, listen how a 30-min reset can do wonders!
Jen’s son felt like he was going to die in his big feelings! One important ingredient saved the day. Training our brain we can survive painful emotions requires someone stay with us so we discover we will not die, but live and thrive in our upsets and disappointments. Relational skills save the day.
Jen shares 2 warning signs that appreciation levels are running dangerously low. Every family, small group and leadership team can learn to recognize these dashboard warning lights. Appreciation is the oil in your relational engine!
Do your kids sometimes struggle with their feelings? It can be easy to fall into the trap of trying to push away or avoid feelings with the unfortunate result of being stuck in feelings even longer! Jen shares how we can help our children successfully navigate their feelings and quickly get to the other side of them.
This playlist includes a series of 8 short videos| Keeping summer joy levels high means helping your children find peace in hard places. There is no better source of peace than Jesus’ presence. Feeling Jesus is close brings comfort and security. This closeness adds to our daily joy levels. Like any new skill or habit, learning to interact with Jesus takes practice both for parents leading as well as children receiving.
This playlist includes a growing collection of short videos | Relational skills will make all the difference in your parenting journey! Discover how developing your own skills will not only overflow to your children, but improve your ability to relate to them while equipping you to parent them relationally.